How to Get Notified When a Lead Opens an Email
Here is a recipe to notify yourself when a contact opens an email.
Step 1: Create a workflow and start from scratch by navigating to Automations > Workflows, then clicking on the “+ Create a new Workflow” Button and selecting Start from scratch.
Step 2: Name the Workflow and then add the Email Events Trigger
Step 3: Add a filter
Step 4: Select the Event Field and Opened from the dropdown and save
Step 5: Add an action by clicking on the “+” symbol
Step 6: Select the Send Internal Notification Act
Step 7: Select the type of notification from the dropdown. In this example, we will be using the email type
Step 8: Fill out the Action as desired. In this example, we select the Particular User Type to send using custom values from the Right Now and Contact categories. Save the Action
Step 9: Publish and save the workflow
Step 10: Test the workflow