1. Overview
  2. Settings
  3. Using The Universal Search Feature

Using The Universal Search Feature

The Universal Search feature lets you quickly search for contacts, payments, and opportunities within NicheFit. You can easily click on any found entry or create a new entry if the query yields no results. Check out these simple steps for how to use the Universal Search:

Step 1: Navigate to the dashboard menu.

  • You'll see a search bar on the top left of your screen.
  • Click on it, and a popup will appear.
  • In the popup window, you can type the query you wish to search for.
  • In this example, we’ll search for “test”.
  • On the left, you can sort the search by All Categories, Contacts, Opportunities, or Payments.
  • Click on any found Contacts, Opportunities, or Payments to quickly navigate to the page with the appropriate information.
  • Return to the search bar and repeat this as many times as needed.

Step 2: Add a Contact or Opportunity from the Search tab

  • In both the Contacts and Opportunities tabs, if your search doesn’t yield a result, you can create a new contact or opportunity right from here.
  • Click the “add” hyperlink in the tab, and fill out the appropriate information for the contact or opportunity you wish to create.

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