1. Overview
  2. Settings
  3. GDPR Compliance Setup

GDPR Compliance Setup

The Custom Checkbox element in Form Builder will allow visitors to confirm their consent to receive information from your/your client's business. This is useful for visitors in countries that require additional consent for GDPR compliance. 

Step 1: Create a Custom Field Inside Of Form Builder

  • Navigate over to the Custom Fields on the top right.
  • Below you will see an Orange Box, click on it to add a custom field.
  • A menu will appear. Select “Checkbox” 
  • Give the field a name, such as “GDPR Compliance Checkbox.”
  • The placeholder field will be the content that will appear on the form. This is your GDPR Compliance Statement


Disclaimer: The placeholder content in this video is **NOT AN OFFICIAL GDPR COMPLIANCE STATEMENT** This was only used as an example. 



Step 2: Making The Checkbox Field Required

  • Hover your mouse over and click on the GDPR Checkbox field On The Form.
  • Once selected on the right-hand side, a Required Box Will Appear.
  • A checkmark will appear by clicking on the box and stating that the form's GDPR Checkbox field is required for the form to be submitted.  


Step 3: Creating a GDPR Workflow 

  • Navigate to the workflow panel, select “Start From Scratch,” and click Create a new workflow on the top right.
  • Select the title at the top and name the workflow as desired.

Step 4: Setting up the workflow Trigger

  • Click on “Add New Workflow Trigger” 
  • A menu will appear, and the third column will say, “Choose a Workflow Trigger” Select and scroll down till you see “Form Submitted.”
  • Select the custom field and apply the Yes condition.


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