1. Overview
  2. Workflow Triggers
  3. Workflow Trigger: Custom Date Reminder

Workflow Trigger: Custom Date Reminder

In this article, you will learn how to set up a custom date reminder workflow trigger, and an example of what it can be used for

  1. Select the “Add New Workflow Trigger” button.
  • This will pull up a list of trigger selections on the screen's right-hand side.
  1. Scroll down until you see the section called “Contact.
  • Select the “Custom Date Reminder


  1. Find/Create the custom date field list within their profile
  • Please Note: you have to add a filter for the workflow to function

To create a custom date field

  1. Click on the “Settings” icon
  2. Scroll down to the Other Settings area and select “Custom Fields.
  3. You will see a “+ Add Field” button.


A box will appear, giving you the option to choose your Custom Field

    • Under choosing options, select “Date Picker.
  • Now click the blue “Next” button.
  1. Make sure both the Object and Group are selected
  • Once done, click the green “Save” button


  1. Next, return to the Automation section and select the previous workflow trigger.
  2. Click the blue “Add filters” button
  • Now in the Standard Fields tab, select the new “Custom Date Field” we just created
  • This will now give you the option to select the “Custom Date” filter
  • Please Note: you can change the name of the workflow trigger. This typically helps keep everything organized and easier to understand
  • Click the green “Save Trigger” button on the bottom right
  • For Example: in this situation, the custom date reminder is called “Subscription Ends” (See Below)
  1. Press Save in the top right corner of your browser to save the workflow
  • If your workflow is ready to be enabled, make sure the toggle switch under Save is set to Publish
  • Be sure to test your workflow and set it up correctly using the Test Workflow button next to the Publish toggle switch. 
    • For an in-depth overview of Workflow Testing, see our article, “Using the Testing Features in Workflows.”

Your workflow to go with the Custom Date Reminder Workflow Trigger.

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